Conference Awards

Outstanding Young Scholar Award

Eligibility: Authors within the age of 40 by May 13 with a doctor degree.
● Application could be made during registration. The applicant is required to submit representative publications (up to 2) and full CV for judges to review. All publications need to provide impact factor, citation and major research contribution.
● Two scholars will be selected by the Conference Chair and announced at the conference.
● Award Application Deadline: April 10, 2025.

Best Reviewer Award

Eligibility: Every committee members. Below criteria will be taken into consideration for the selection:
● Number of papers they have reviewed
● Quality of suggestions/comments given
● Swift response for the emails sent by the Conference Secretary
● Overall contribution to deliver a successful conference

Best Student Paper Award

Eligibility: University students only.
● The first author of the paper registered.
● Oral Presentation Type.
● Winners will be selected by the Program Committees.

Best Paper Award

Eligibility: All Conference Accepted Papers.
● The first author of the paper registered.
● Oral Presentation Type.
● Winners will be selected by the Program Committees.

Excellent Oral Presentation Award

Eligibility: All Oral Presenters.
One best presentation will be selected from each oral session. Below criteria will be taken into consideration for the selection:
● Originality
● Applicability
● Technical Merit
● Presentation Clearness

Excellent Poster Presentation Award

Eligibility: All Poster Presenters.
One best presentation will be selected from each poster session. Below criteria will be taken into consideration for the selection:
● Originality
● Applicability
● Technical Merit