ICCCAS 2024 Invited Speaker

Toru Sai

Tokyo Polytechnic University, Japan

Biography: Toru Sai (Member, IEEE) received the B.S., M.E., and the Dr. Eng. degree in electrical engineering from Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan, in 1986, 1988, and 2012, respectively. In 1988, he joined the research and development center of Yokogawa Electric Company, Tokyo, Japan. From 2016 to 2020, he was a Project Research Associate with The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. Currently, he is a Professor at Tokyo Polytechnic University and a Research Fellow at the Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo. His current research interests include DC-DC converters, Gate drivers, and A/D converters. He received the Best Paper Award in 2019 IEEE International Future Energy Electronics Conference.
Speech Title: Hybrid Fibonacci DC-DC Converter with Interleaved Clock for High Step-Up Applications
Abstract: A new hybrid Fibonacci DC-DC converter is proposed for high step-up applications. The converter uses two inductors instead of two switches of a common X3 Fibonacci converter and applies the interleaved clock instead of the complementary clock. By this modification, the conversion rate (CR) increased from X3 to X20 at duty ratio of D = 0.85. The converter consists of two switches, three diodes, and three capacitors for a total of only 10 elements. This component count is less than that of the past leading works of the high step-up DC-DC converters. The design focused on PV application is shown. The proposed architecture also applicable to applications that require the high step-up voltage, such as energy harvesting and low voltage battery systems for IoT sensor nodes.