ICCCAS 2024 Invited Speaker

Ludovic Noirie

Nokia Bell Labs, France

Biography: Ludovic Noirie is a senior researcher within the Network System and Security Research lab in Nokia Bell Labs, in France. He joined Alcatel in 1997 as a researcher on optical networking after receiving his engineer diplomas (Ecole Polytechnique, France, 1995, and Telecom ParisTech, France, 1997). Along his career within Alcatel, Alcatel-Lucent an now Nokia, Ludovic Noirie provided multidisciplinary contributions with technical and scientific content spanning from optical sub-systems and optical networking to general networking solutions and Internet of Things. He is currently working on quantum communications and quantum networks. In 2011, Ludovic Noirie joined the Laboratory of Information, Network and Communication Sciences (LINCS) in Paris, for which he is member of the executive committee representing Nokia Bell Labs. Ludovic Noirie is author of about 80 publications and he is inventor of about 40 patents.